See what my clients are saying about our work together...
“I have loved working with Wendy. She truly wants her clients to succeed, which is evident in her work. Wendy’s warm voice and thoughtful words consistently make me feel comfortable talking to her about any topic. Her patient guidance gives you the confidence and motivation to reach your set goals. With Wendy by your side, there’s no doubt you’ll make the positive changes in your life that you’ve been wanting. ”
“Dr Wendy Shumway has had an extremely powerful impact on my life and personal growth as a business owner, medical professional and entrepreneur. Wendy’s experience as a business owner herself combined with her years of experience as a psychiatrist enable her to work deeply, allowing me to make paradigmatic changes in my thinking and decision making. She helped me improve the functioning and bottom line of our organization and most importantly feel very confident about the changes.
Through my coaching with Dr. Shumway, I have increased: my ability to set goals with crystal clear focus; my leadership IQ; and my capacity to handle change in my personal and professional life with confidence and success. Wendy is a sweet, empathetic, yet strong intelligent, powerful woman. She is extremely motivational and has the uncanny ability to help you problem solve and feel like a complete winner after each session. I love my business coach who has taken me to the next level of business ownership, on the inside. She has empowered me; helped me learn how to separate out what is really important from all the incoming fire; taught me how to pay attention to what is happening on the inside when the going gets rough, so that I can lead from a place of authenticity; and helped me improve my communication. ”
"These past several years I’ve been privileged and fortunate to work with Dr. Wendy Shumway. I’ve benefitted immensely from her skills and have witnessed this effect on others as well. I appreciate her strong communication skills, personal insights, and the well-rounded approach that she brings to her work.
She is an incredibly focused listener and synthesizes information quickly to provide definitive and useful feedback. The analytical skills developed in her medical training are uniquely combined with her intuitive and creative approaches. She expertly utilizes a rich variety of approaches and learning methods in her work and can easily illuminate issues with elegantly practical solutions. This unusual combination of training and skills makes working with her enjoyable, interesting, and fun.
I’ve worked with Dr. S. in a variety of settings including one-on-one and group workshops—all have been incredible experiences. For me, she has been a positive change agent. Throughout most of my life I’ve operated out of fear, and have dreaded change. As a result of Wendy’s influence and guiding expertise, I now see change as an opportunity; I can embrace change and welcome its potential for new and better possibilities. My relationships are richer and more gratifying as I am able to show up authentically and offer what I bring with greater confidence. I’ve also been able to look at situations through different lenses and to question old beliefs that get in my way and make it difficult to change. Questioning those limitations has enabled me to see my life with more expansive options. My mantra is “Gratitude” for all the new strengths I have gained as a result of working with Dr. S."
-L.B., artist